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 Michael Leslie Tetrick Jr. Born March 25 1971 Washington state but moved to Indiana 3 months later and been here since.
Had 17 different school changes growing up and quit  starting fourth year of 9th grade! NO JOKE!
Anyway been through alot of crap like everyone goes through. I suspect anyway. Molested as a young boy. Started hitting speed at the bus stop when I was 10. Started drinking mixed drinks at 11  was learning fast. Started smoking weed about 12 I think. Domestic violence was part of life. At one point I took a coaxial cable and put one end around my neck and the other around a sycamore branch and jumped off a building. Thank God that as it got tight against my neck it also brushed against the metal roof of the building I jumped off of and my weight caused it to cut the cable and I fell to the ground.
Wasn't depressed but had no hope. No perspective of anything other than the junk that was going on. I didn't wanna die I just didn't know how to live. Then not long after I reckon a yr and half, I met this red headed chick that had these awesome blue eyes and I was falling for her.
She had that 90's blow dry your hair with aqua net up side down look and it was red! Enough said. Problem was she wouldn't smoke weed, drink beer, or make out! Really worth nothing for my life style at the time. However hot enough to follow to church.
While trying to get in her pants Jesus got in my heart! True story! I was 18 and about 6 months later I felt God leading me to be a messenger and to share Christ with everyone I had opportunity to!
I married that girl and we have three gorgeous kids, thanks to her!
Since then, almost 23 yrs ago, I have went through Bible college, and Pioneered a church ministry as well as  was co pastor and even Pastor of  the First Assembly of God church where I gave my heart to Christ.
I became very fanatical and religious and overbearing to some to say the least.
My motive was pure my understanding was flawed.
I am totally about winning souls and the music I do I consider winnertainment. Not entertainment. It is all based on faith and family and my hope is to influence through the music I write.
I preached alot of things that weren't true because my understanding was wrong. I have been transparent with those things to the folks I brought condemnation to and seek to find the reality of the bible in total perspective instead of finding things out of context to prove my personal agenda which was an ego at times not wanting to be wrong.
I have come to the reality that being anti religious can be a stronger religion than being religious and I'm not there anymore. I just wanna see people come into the knowledge of salvation in Christ.
Romans 10:9 and 10
I'm not the Holy spirit, just a conduit for God to work through. He alone is the way the truth the life.
There is no other name under heaven by which man might be saved.
So rather than point a finger I lend a hand. I share Christ through loving folks where they are at and refusing to leave them there. I love them despite their belief and lifestyle. Through example of love and living for Christ I am able to have a relationship that ultimately gain the opportunity to share Christ.
When I had good whiskey or weed I shared it I now have great faith and do my best to share it. I love wholeheartedly!
I'm human and make mistakes, I don't condone a lifestyle that is determined to be contrary to God. I do understand the obstacles folks face and am thankful for the grace God has dispersed in my life. Therefore I share the grace and mercy he has for others.
I am transparent and maybe too crass and real with things at times. I am glad for who God is making me to be.
I got saved in a pentecostal church. I believe in the working of the Holy Spirit today. I have been saved since I got saved.
I was baptized a year after I got saved. I was saved the whole time upto then and still.
I began to follow the road that I felt and still feel God has called me to as a Christian. While I'm fully human and filled with the spirit ,natural and supernatural, I have failed and unfortunately will inevitably do it again. I make no justification or advocate it in anyway, and hold tightly to the truth that he who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it. I am a real man with real problems that has a real solution which is Christ.
I believe we have the choice to be saved. The devil may tempt us but he didn't make us do anything! We as Christians have the nature of carnality that we were born with yet have the victory of Christ through fellowship. If we fail it's sincerely a lack of pursuing Christ in our lives.
The capacity of wrong and right resides in the heart of man. The passion to honor God and his word and bring him glory which brings us his benefits is what causes us to yield to the spirit rather than the flesh.
If we say we don't feel God it's a result of God not feeling us.


Love talking bible,despise arguing about who is more saved because of denomination and if they were soaked completely when baptized or sprinkled.
I was a fanatic pentecostal who became best friends with a Southern Baptist preacher. We both lost and won!
Also, please check out my blog


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